Go ye therefore and READ

Reading hasn’t always been around. In times past simply there was nothing to read. There was no mechanism to put thoughts, speeches, news, and love expressions in writing much less on paper. Most of the books in the bible (if not all) were written not to be read, but to be recited. Writing and printing was really expensive so these books were read to the multitude.

Thankfully we live in a time that printing is common, but we don’t even need it anymore. Now you can read pretty much anything in digital form, which I hope has a result of more public reading.

Growing up reading was a PAIN! I didn’t want to. I would much rather do math, grammar, chemistry and art than reading history, literature, or even the news. And I believe the main reason wasn’t that I didn’t want to read; it was that I couldn’t sit still for more than 15 minutes (it’s still a problem :).

Today, however, I’ve grown to appreciate the practice of reading a good book, article, biography or story. Today I love reading because I’ve discovered that reading is NOURISHMENT, EQUIPMENT, HUMILITY, GROWTH and THERAPY.

As a preacher, leader, husband and father, reading nourishes the seeds that are planted inside of me; it equips me with a personal repertoire of sentences, phrases, and single words that serve as touchstones when I need them. Reading brings me to a place of humility as I ‘listen’ to the ideas, news and stories of others. Reading makes me grow with each new idea, example, knowledge, angle, and strategy. And sometimes in the midst of stress, reading is therapy!

Words have power and we need to speak them, write them and use them in crucial times! So read wisely as you prepare yourself for those moments when your reading and inspired words will make a difference in your life, your community and the world!

Here are some of my favorites quotes on reading:
– “Literature is equipment for life.”
– “To read well is to prepare oneself to live wisely, kindly, and wittily.”
– “The skill of good reading is not only to notice what we notice, but also to allow ourselves to be addressed.”
– “To read is to receive a gift from others for our growth and our use.”
– “To read is to seek truth.”
– MY FAVORITE: “Not every reader is a leader. But every leader is a reader.”

Therefore, READ and be inspired, read and be challenged, read and be educated, read and CHANGE THE WORLD!

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“God does not call you to have a devotional time; God calls you to live a devotional life.” John Wesley

Spiritual disciplines are a part of a life devoted to God. Not because God has rules for us to follow, but because of the love that we have for God. It’s like this, if you are in a relationship with someone, you spend time with them, you call them, go out with them, write them, take care of them and allow them to care for you. It’s the same with God. If we claim to have a relationship with God (what else is Christianity but a relationship with the Almighty) then you need to spend time with Him.

On another and even more emphatic note, we are supposed to KNOW God. And we do so by talking to him through prayer, listening to him through the scriptures, praising him through worship, seeking him closer through fasting, caring for him through giving, loving him through community, and pleasing him through service.

Yes, discipleship takes discipline. Not just for a few minutes of your day but every minute of your life.

Here are some words of caution:
– Don’t be so strict that you begin to lose sight of why you are doing this. Some days you may not accomplish your discipline, but that doesn’t mean that you should feel defeated. Just stand up and pick it up again the next day.
– Discipline is not seasonal. Don’t quit if you simply don’t ‘feel the inspiration’.
– Don’t do it alone. Have someone checking on you to see how you are doing. Share your God-encounters with others.
– Whatever you do, don’t fail to read the bible. There are so many good books out there, but NOTHING will ever beat reading the Word of God with the interpretation of the Holy Spirit.

We have schedule planners, computerized and mobile calendars, and self-stick notes to help us organize our business and social lives every day. But how much do we even try to organize the most important part of our lives—the spiritual part?

There shouldn’t be anything more important in our lives than our time alone with God. That’s where we should feel most fulfillment in this life. After all, what else is more important than knowing our God?
Matthew 7:21-2321 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

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What’s your price?

Today one of my mentors asked me a very thought-provoking and self-reflective question: “Josue, what’s your value?” I asked him to expound on that and he said, “What would it take to replace you at St. James?”

He wasn’t trying to bring me down or discourage me. He was trying to challenge me to be the best I can be where God has placed me in ministry.

After that stirring question we had a great conversation about some things that concern us about our generation today: Many people don’t really apply themselves to their work anymore. They want to show up to work and get paid for it. There are less and less people who volunteer for things, who sign up to do the hard jobs, who show up to help when chaos occurs.

Have you heard of the phrase “Everybody’s business is nobody’s business”? That’s what our problem has become. There are situations all around us that are everybody’s business but our attitude is, “it’s not what I get paid to do”, or “someone else will do it.” And the problem is that this attitude bleeds into the church as well. People expect the pastor to do it all (of course, we are the ones paid to do it) or the faithful-few will show up and get it all done.

Have we really become so self-absorbed that we don’t care? Are we really that lazy? Do we really expect to get a free lunch or get by with doing so little? Are we really that afraid of work? Are we really as LAZY, careless, and heartless as the older generations think we are?

Let me ask you a question, how much are you worth? What difference are you making? How hard are you working? Who would miss you if you were gone, and for how long?

“…whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

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100 million

Almost 100 million people have been preparing their homes for a Super Bowl Party tomorrow. The stores are out of chips, soda, and wings (crazy huh?). Pregame show starts at 1pm and the game will kick off at 5pm (central). And for the 4 hours 100 million people in America alone will be watching the 45th Super Bowl!

Some will have their eyes glued to the tv with each play; others will be entertained by the commercials and others will only be at a Super Bowl party because… that’s just what Americans do! 🙂

I’m not trying to find a message in every event of life (which is not a bad thing) but with all the preparations, expectations, and excitement for the Super Bowl, it made me think of our preparation and expectation (and even excitement) for our eternal life in heaven.

The Bible says that we don’t know when Christ will return 
1 Thessalonians 5:2 – “for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.”

When was the last time that you thought about Christ’s return? When was the last time that you thought you weren’t ready? When was the last time that you felt the feeling of excitement and that ‘you just can’t wait’ to get to heaven?

Before Christ came the first time God sent John the Baptist to prepare the way with a message for all to repent and believe the Good News of Christ. The second coming of Christ is revealed through signs written in the Word of God which prepare the way for the Christ but the message is still the same.

This life is eternal; but our eyes are too stuck to earth to think of our heavenly home.
And that’s scary, cause when it’s finally time for us to go there, we may not be ready, or even ‘want’ to go since we are so attached to here.

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Flunking Jesus University

It’s amazing how much we have dumb down Christianity. Today we are no longer focused on teaching the people right doctrine and right understanding of God. We are more worried about our pews being filled.

We allow people to become members of our church by simply saying they know Jesus is their Savior. We baptize people with a simple conversation in the hallway before the service starts. We allow kids to be ‘confirmed’ with just a dozen (or less) 1-hour classes that will hopefully teach them all about Christianity. We serve people communion without instructing them what communion means.

The Early Church had it right: before one could be welcomed into the church through baptism, they had to go through at least 1 year of catechism classes with intense accountability and teaching. There was no way that the candidates would fall out afterwards or not live out the Christian walk. They fully understood what it meant to be a Christian and they were tested in both doctrine and theology before they could be baptized, anointed, received into the family of faith, and take their first communion with the rest of the family. It was a major ordeal. The bishop would be present for that and all.

Since then, we’ve made it too easy. All we ask people to do is to say a prayer with us and then they already have their feet in heaven.

No, I’m not the judge of who goes to heaven and how they’ll get there. But I do believe that if we were more intentional about raising disciples for Jesus Christ, churches would be filled with committed Christians who understand the cost of discipleship; churches would be filled with prepared EVANGELISTS who know what Christianity actually is about so they can bring others to the saving knowledge of Jesus; churches and Christians would be taken serious in the society because they not only claim their beliefs but live them out.

Today, Christians are familiar with names like Abraham, Moses, Jonah, Noah, and Jesus; but I’m not convinced that they know their stories. Go around asking Christians to name the 10 commandments, or who the minor prophets are, what is the Torah, and what’s their favorite bible verse. I’m afraid you will be disappointed with OUR answers.

Yes, I am a Christian, a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, and a ‘trained’ Christian leader; I am ‘supposed’ to know all the answers. I haven’t given up learning nor teaching, but don’t leave it all up to me. Discover for yourself, read your bible, share your faith, study God, and live it out!

Unfortunately, my generation is called biblically illiterate. But the next generation doesn’t have to be. So I’m asking you my fellow leaders, Christians, pastors, and teachers. Let us teach our youth about God. Let us tell them the stories again. Let us give them a CHRISTIAN EDUCATION that will last them a lifetime and will shape their way of life.

“Train up your children the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6

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We are not in Eden anymore

One of the things that I love about Bradon Heath’s career so far is that he sings his mind. He sings his story. The places that life takes him, he writes (and sings) about. From “I wish you could see me now” to “give me your eyes”, “he’s not finished with me yet” and “your love.”

Brandon’s latest album is called Leaving Eden. That caught my attention because I’ve been pondering on WHY things go wrong in this Earth… and yes, Brandon is right. The only place where things were PERFECT was in the Garden of Eden. Since Eden, since sin, this world has become corrupt, fallen and VERY FAR from the image God had intended for it. Because sinful people live in an imperfect place we experience all sorts of disappointments.

After experiencing some earthly frustrations Brandon Heath’s counselor gave him this advice:

“Let’s go all the way to the very beginning. I want you to mourn the loss of Eden, the root of all of our problems. If you don’t ever face it, you’ll always hold a little bit of bitterness.” Brandon believes that once we realize that we will have frustrations in this life, because we no longer live in Eden, we will find healing and a hope-filled life. 

Good word, Brandon!
Here is what Jesus had to say about it:
“In this world you will have tribulation (frustrations, disappointment, and pain), but be of good cheer, I HAVE OVERCOME the world.” John 16:33

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Don’t hate me cause I’m beautiful

So many of us try to impress the world (at least our world). We dress a little nicer, we put on some makeup, undergo surgery and other beautifying procedures, we buy the right brands and how dare us not have the latest fashion and the right shoes on. All this just so we can look prettier, younger, feel better about ourselves and be ACCEPTED. We might even go in debt to get all that done.

The saddest part about this truth is that we do these things because of the opinion of others. We don’t want our friends to think that we are ugly, poor, old, outdated, and out of fashion. We don’t want anyone to think that we are ‘less than perfect’. You don’t want to disappoint your friends and family if you ever walk out the door without make-up, or you don’t want anyone to come in to your house if it’s not spotless, and you can’t visit your old friends if you haven’t lost at least 20 pounds. I mean… I hope I’m stepping on some toes. Oh, and I didn’t even say anything about the latest technology.

The pressures of society, our friends, the media, and celebrities make us desire a ‘better me.’ Do you realize what you are doing to your daughter when you buy her clothes so she can look good and impress? Do you know what you are doing to your friends when you exclude them for not having what you got? Do you know what you are doing to your school mates when you bully them because they are “weird”? Do we realize what we are doing to one another? We are destroying marriages, egos, people’s finances, purposes and lives.

Let me ask you an even harder question. Do you know how many people kill themselves because they simply don’t fit in?

There should not be room for this in your relationships. Your identity should not be based on the opinion of others. You need to quit allowing others to dictate your wardrobes, your agenda, your money, and your lifestyle. Be who God made you to be! And if you have to, dump your ‘friends’!

Start looking at the beauty in each person, start accepting people for who they are, love others regardless of what they look like.

God created us in His image and God is love! Therefore, love, and free yourself from the opinion of others.

“Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.”

And the ONE who beholds you thinks you are BEATIFUL!!!

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Are we dying?

In a recent conference for pastors I heard a speaker say that within the next 5 to 10 years the two biggest protestant denominations in America would lose 50% of their church-goers. The Southern Baptist Convention claims to have 17 million members (but probably has a lot more) and the United Methodist Church, 8 million. That means the American church will lose more than 12 million members. The sad part is that these two denominations will not be losing members to other Christian denominations, they’ll either become ‘faithless’ or will end up following some new age religion. One of the main reasons for this decline is the fact that the Baby Boomer generation is retiring and will be soon be dying. The newer generations have not been as big on church going as the Baby Boomers. Going to church today is no longer what you should do, it’s an option and perhaps not a very attractive one.

I’m not certain that this is really going to happen though. The speakers and authors of today speak of both the decline and the rise of the church. Some speak of new strategies and campaigns that are causing churches to grow but others share depressing stats like the one above about how the future of the church looks bleak.

I recently read an article in Christianity Today written by Jennifer McNutt entitled “The Enduring Church,” which reveals how this rise and decline conversation happens every century. Certainly the conversation is human. People worry about things as pastors worry about the vitality of their ministry. There are new waves of religions that are ‘hot’ at certain times — but they are waves. If there is one thing that has remained it is the Christian Church.

As McNutt concludes her historical observation on the vitality of the church she says,
“The noteworthy story of the Christian Church is that despite all challenges and shortcomings, the church has survived, blossomed, and been transformed, sometimes against all odds. It has been restored and revived, it has changed, and it has overcome. In short, the church has endured.”

Growing up in Brazil we only talked about the rise/growth of the protestant church. Only after coming to the United States I heard a different conversation. But I moved here in the beginning of a new century (and millennium) and perhaps a new wave of decline and rise conversations. My observation so far is that if anything has changed it’s that we have lost sight of where we’ve come from and I believe that we will only be able to continue growing as Christians if we RETURN, revive, relive, and redeem some of our core values, beliefs and especially lifestyle — one of biblical truth and holiness.

As a minister of the Gospel of Christ I commit myself not to determine what tomorrow will hold for the church, I commit myself to live a life according to the Spirit of God, I commit to believe what I learn from the Word of God, and I commit to serve the Son of God as He uses me to lead the church with His ideas and not man’s.

Let me end with a quote from the man who transformed the Church in the 15th and 16th centuries: “We are not the church’s guardians. If it were up to us the church would perish before our very eyes and we together with it…but it is ANOTHER who preserves both the church and us.” Martin Luther

Long live the Church!

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Global + Local = The Heart of God

There are two kinds of mission emphasis: One is the local ministries, the slums, the lost in our midst, the poverty and misery in our neighborhoods, corners, streets, churches and homes. There also is international missions. People send money out to missionaries, they  go on international mission trips, they pray for the lost and the hungry in third-world countries, and take bibles to non-Christian countries.

Both of these emphases are great. But the biggest danger with them is that people focus on either or, not on both. The truth is, God’s heart is invested in both. God’s heart is definitely global, not just local. If that wasn’t true, we wouldn’t have God’s blessings upon non-Jewish nations all over the world. If that weren’t true, God wouldn’t’ve sent Jonah to Nineveh; God wouldn’t’ve called Paul to be the minister to the Gentiles.

Unfortunately however, a lot of us Christians are focused on either local or international. Some of us believe we have to be an advocate for international ministry because that’s where the ‘need’ is, others believe they have to stand up for local ministry because international missions gets all the attention.

There really is no evil in this, but it’s not identifying with the heart of God. The heart of God is both local and global. Some call it ‘glocal’. But regardless of what it’s called, God is on a mission, reconcile the WORLD to Himself. And that is both local and global.

So yes, stand up for local missions, fight for international missions, but most importantly follow the heart of God. And His heart is glocal 🙂

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Church?: A different question

I spent some time yesterday afternoon chatting with a saint named Charlie. Charlie is an older man who has been very serious about his faith and Christian walk all his life. He grew up in Oklahoma but traveled everywhere as he served the country through the military. He says that he notices a big difference in the way we talk about church these days. He pointed out that the conversation amongst family and friends was very common. “Everyone used to go to church.” It didn’t matter if you were at the barber getting your hair cut, at the store by groceries, at work and at the park… “People shared a common faith and openly talked about it.” I could tell that Charlie missed that aspect of society. You see, Charlie is not one of those who shuts himself to the newer generation, he reaches out and tries to make friends with all, but he notices that not ‘everyone’ goes to church (like it used to be) and people don’t want to talk about religion, much less their favorite bible verse.

I concluded my conversation with Charlie encouraging him to continue to share Christ with the new generation and teach us the ways of God. And he agreed.

You see, the question about church-going has changed. It used to be that you could ask, “What church do you go to?” to anyone you met. But now ‘if’ you ask’, you would have to ask, “Do you go to church?”

I have lots to say about church-going in America today, but for you and for me let me just say this: We have our work cut out for us!

We are living in a churchless and biblically illiterate society. People no longer go to church simply because the church building is open. They have to be persuaded and sometimes dragged in. People, including Christians, don’t know the basic teachings of the bible, the stories of the New and Old Testaments, the foundation that has brought up the Church! But what do we do? Do we give up? NO. We WORK HARDER, PRAY HARDER, and we GIVE of our agendas, interests and desires so others can KNOW this Christ that we do!

Wake up Church! We got a lot of work to do!

If you are proud of your church, don’t just sit in the pews/chairs every Sunday, pass the word along, invite someone to church; if it blesses you, it can bless others. Also, seek biblical truth! Study it, learn it, memorize it, share it, and live it! It is our human condition to desire truth, therefore, offer the world the Truth that is found in the Word of God.

We can’t just be ‘okay’ with the fact that we don’t talk about church or the bible anymore. We can bring back the times of Charlie, actually we need to take it to the next level, let us not just talk about church BE THE CHURCH. Don’t waste the opportunities to share about the power of the church and the love of Christ to those that God DAILY sends your way.

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